SQLite adapter

The main difference with the pure-Python module is the syntax to identify a database and a table, and the need to specify field types on base creation

For compliance with SQLite vocabulary, the module defines two classes, Database and Table


Database(db_path[,**kw]) : db_path is the database path in the file system. The keyword arguments are the same as for the method connect() of the Python built-in module sqlite3

Instances of Database are dictionary-like objects, where keys are the table names and values are instances of the Table class

  • db["foo"] returns the instance of the Table class for table “foo”
  • db.keys() returns the table names
  • if "foo" in db tests if table “foo” exists in the database
  • del db["foo"] drops the table “foo”

To create a new table

table = db.create(table_name, *fields[,mode])

The fields must be 2-element tuples (field_name, field_type) where field_type is an SQLite field type

  • REAL
  • TEXT
  • BLOB
db.create('test', ('name', 'TEXT'), ('age', 'INTEGER'), ('size', 'REAL'))

If other information needs to be provided, put it in the second argument, using the SQL syntax for SQLite

db.create('test', ('date', 'BLOB DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE'))

The optional keyword argument mode specifies what you want to do if a table of the same name already exists in the database

  • mode="open" opens the table and ignores the field definition
  • mode="override" erases the existing table and creates a new one with the field definition
  • if mode is not specified and the table already exists, an IOError is raised


For record insertion, updating, deletion and selection the syntax is the same as for the pure-Python module. The SQLite primary key rowid is used like the key __id__ to identify records

To insert many records at a time,


will be much faster than

for values in list_of_values:

Note that you can’t use the drop_field() method, since dropping fields is not supported by SQLite

Type conversion

Conversions between Python types and SQLite field types use the behaviour of the Python SQLite module. datetime.date, datetime.time and datetime.datetime instances are stored as ISO dates/datetimes

Selection methods return dictionaries, with SQLite types converted to Python types like this

SQLite type Python type
TEXT unicode
BLOB str
REAL float

If you want fields to be returned as instances of datetime.date, datetime.time or datetime.datetime instances, you can specify it when creating or opening the table, using methods is_date(field_name), is_time(field_name) or is_datetime(field_name).

db = Database('test.sqlite')
table = db['dummy']

cursor and commit

Instances of Database and Table have the attribute cursor, the SQLite connections cursor, so you can also execute SQL expressions by


and get the result by

results = db.cursor.fetchall()

the method commit() saves the changes to a database after a transaction
